

I treat any discussion with potential, current or previous clients as confidential, whether a confidentiality agreement is in place or not. Confidentiality is maintained throughout a project and indefinitely unless disclosure is required for legal reasons.

+45 - 22_94_.66_00


and I will contact you.

By using the contract form, you agree to our personal data policy. We keep your name and email address in our customer archive. You may at any time ask to have it deleted. The information is not shared with third parties and is only used for mutual potential business purposes.



It is legally required to have information on a website on options for complaining. If you have a complaint or the services did not live up to your expectations, please contact me directly so we can discuss how to rectify your issue.

Alternatively, you have the option to complain to: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen, Center for Klageløsning, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby, mail: (jf. artikel 20 i Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv 2013/11/EU om alternativ tvistbilæggelse i forbindelse med tvister på forbrugerområdet samt § 4 i lov nr. 524 af 29. april 2015 om alternativ tvistløsning i forbindelse med forbrugerklager).


Cookies are small text files that are placed in your browser and help improve your experience when you use our website. We use cookies to improve your user experience by remembering that you are logged in and if you fill out a contact form. We use third-party cookies to track how you use our website - for example, which pages you have visited and how long you have spent on each of them. You can prevent the placement of cookies in the settings of your browser. Cookies on our website are not necessary but can improve your browsing experience.