
Anja Holm, DVM

Consultant in veterinary medicines, vaccines, biologicals

Chair of CVMP, EMA, 2010 - 2016

Tel: +45 22 94.66 00

Mail: info@centralvetpharma.com

Use my experience to achieve your goals with your veterinary medicinal product

  • 23 years in the veterinary regulatory field as assessor, strategic advisor, CEO, independent consultant

  • 12 years in the Committee for Veterinary Medicines (CVMP) in the European Medicines Agency, EMA

  • 6 years as chairperson of CVMP

My mission as consultant is to help the animal health industry develop good and effective products for the benefit of animals and their owners, for use by vets and the community.

Open for positions in board of directors and advisory boards.

Benefit from my broad overview of the EU regulation of veterinary medicine

Get success with your product application in the centralised procedure of the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

Understand all your options and decide the optimal strategy for

  • Scientific Advice, Oral Explanations, Referrals
  • Gap analysis, Regulatory review of novel therapies

  • Clinical trials, Expert reports (safety and efficacy)
  • SPC harmonisation, Limited Market products (MUMS)